Service Features

  • Free quotes and planning applications if you are in a conservation area or have a tree preservation order, (TPO).

  • Free or low cost logs to all our clients and anyone who lives nearby. Please contact us or send a message/email if you would like to have logs delivered to your address.

  • School service on weekends and holidays.

  • Unique, quiet/low noise service on weekends in areas with noise restrictions.

 Services Offered

Tree Cutting / Felling / Removal – To remove a dangerous, ill or unsuitable tree by safely dismantling sections, often using lowering equipment to avoid any damage to plants, fences or greenhouses.

Tree Reduction / Thinning / Lifting – To reduce the overall size of the crown using sympathetic pruning for the health and natural appearance of the tree, to thin the crown interior to allow more light and wind to pass, or to remove the bottom branches of a tree.

Tree Pruning – To ensure trees remain healthy, safe and grow in an attractive shape.

Deadwooding & Crown Cleaning – To remove the deadwood in trees where a build up of dead branches means a high likelihood of branches falling down.

Pollarding – Common on lime or plane trees where growth is taken off every 1-3 years back to previous points and especially common in front gardens or in restricted spaces.

Conifer Height Reduction – To reduce the height of these quick growing trees.

Emergencies & Storm Damage – Urgent and safe dismantle of dangerous, windblown or damaged trees.